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Jimmy R.L. Kambey's picture

POVERTY (www.jimmyrlkambey.co.cc)


Talking about poverty, I remember when I was 5 years old and saw my father’s pioneering ministries as pastor. Actually, he had a job as a civil servant at the office of “Dinas Pendapatan Daerah” before decided to be a pastor and study theology. When he started his pastoral ministries, he start it with 5 persons in a little house within retarded area. For almost 20 years we lived in sufficient. To support our family needs, besides pastoring, my father have to be a driver for the public transport. We have clove plantation but its not helpfull enough.
Jimmy R.L. Kambey's picture

HOLISTIC (www.jimmyrlkambey.co.cc)


              Christian holistic development means comprehensive planning for every aspects of life from a person as Christian. The aspects are: great academic capabilities, good physical performance and abilities, civilized and courteously social relationship and sacred spiritual relationship with God. All the aspects have to develop by a short and long term preparation trough the development program. The programs for development should provide by the church or Christian institution in all sector (education, mission, contextual, pastoral, leadership, theology, philosophy etc).